Japanese Culture

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    Tokoyo Various Sights Fish Market Tea Ceremony


There were many opportunities to learn about and to experience the culture of Japan.  Mrs. Carroll traveled with the total group of 186 at times, but most often traveled in a group of 20 people. A guide and interpreter were available at all times.

Sightseeing included Tokyo, Kyoto, many temples and shrines, museums, a huge and busy fish market, restaurants, department stores, and other points of interest.

The traditional dress of Japan was rarely seen in public. Most Japanese clothing was western style. The young people enjoyed shopping in "Chicago's" to buy used American style jeans, t-shirts, etc. while the tourists visited the same store to purchase used Japanese kimonos, obis, and other items of interest.

Japanese food was often enjoyed three times daily with Mrs. Carroll becoming proficient in using chopsticks. Fish, miso, rice, soft eggs, and green tea were helpful in getting off to a fresh start each day. Lunch and dinner consisted of fish, meats, noodles, rice, vegetables, and green tea. During the three weeks a variety of food was desired and group members were adventuresome trying lots of Japanese foods with unknown ingredients. McDonalds, Pizza Hut, and the Hard Rock Cafe' were also explored for comparison to American models.

The architecture was elegant and beautiful, very different from what is seen in the US. Space is at a premium so buildings are often very tall and close together, houses are small, gas pumps are located underground, and private yards are almost nonexistent. Yet the country has many beautiful buildings with great thought given to aesthetic considerations.

A warm and welcoming reception was experienced in every place visited. The Japanese people are kind, caring, gracious, and respectful. Educators are honored in Japan which created wonderful feelings of appreciation. As the two cultures met, bowing was the norm followed by an exchange of business cards and gifts. Mrs. Carroll hopes that she will have the opportunity to reciprocate by hosting some of the fine Japanese people she met. Perhaps they will travel to meet all of us here at NBMS.  


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Last updated Monday, April 29, 2002
Maintained by Lisa_M._Posada@fc.mcps.k12.md.us